
Looky, Looky what we have found!!

This was on JP original blog on May 2, 2006 saying or insinuating this guy was 17 years old and was cruised by CA. Problem is, the guy looks like an actor named David Chokachi of BayWatch fame. David is 39 (much younger in the photo) and not gay and had nothing to do with it.

When butty boy was pressed on it by several others on the board, he back-tracked and removed the blog.

And JP himself saying he doubt's the authenticity.

Mr. Chokachi handlers have been notified and so have the authorities.

The FALSE pedophile crap stops RIGHT NOW, NEVER happened NEVER will!


nzclaynz said...

Great work WRU!

Of all the underhanded, sleazy accusations - this one went too far. It's good to know that David's team knows about this as well as Clay's lawyers.

JP and whomever his backers are; and all the cronies that post at the swamp-blog should be afraid.

To JP and all the scum that post there - we ain't bluffing. We know more about you all and your little games than you could possibly guess at. You all think you're so clever, but you underestimated who and where our contacts are, and how information travels in this fandom; our investigative skills; and our tenacity and protectiveness toward Clay and each other.

WRU and the other bloggers are just waiting for your next move.

WRU said...

Just the beginning!!

The Police are watching his every move now.

As for the helpers, they are accessories and are libel also.

Every threat, every email, every screen shot is being giving to the Police!

Nightowl said...

Great job WRU!! Yep we sure can
get to the bottom of things when
we want too, so take a SUCK on that
swamp RATS and JP.

Good to know that David C's handlers, the authorities as
well as Clay's lawyers ALL know.

rosepetals said...


You rock!!!

Gina said...

How is it that CLay's Team has to find out juicy info like this from fans? What in fact have they done to represent Clay? Good work, girls, but I'm so baffled that they aren't on top of all of this!

nzclaynz said...

Hmm, I wonder why Pickleface hasn't commented yet. Maybe he's been too busy 'escorting'... *g*

Anonymous said...

After all this time I still find it hard to believe buttboy is that stupid, but I'm sure happy he is.

WRU, thank you, you're the best.

WRU said...


Have her recommend you then if she knows you. We have to go by recommendations.

WRU said...

For the nasty commentors that I am not letting through, the whole point of the blog was. The guy in the original blog wasn't 17 and Clay Aiken is NOT a pedophile and anyone saying that or insinuating that will be prosecuted!

nzclaynz said...

You tell 'em WRU!

There can legal consequences for people who make wrongful accusations of a crime; particularly such an ugly crime.

Y'all will find that out if you keep that crap up. I wouldn't call WRU's bluff if I were you.

WRU - I think those people must have no souls. I can't comprehend the mind of someone who'd say such ugly things about someone who'd never hurt anyone. They seem to actually get off on making this shit up. It baffles and saddens me.

WRU said...

To the nasty poster from last night 11/14/06 2:23 am,
Clay is totally innocent of all of this and is not a pedophile so shove it!

How's AOL treating you these days anyway?

You know 2 phone calls later I can I a police officer at your house.